Gathering Stones of Remembrance – Josh. Chpt. 4
It’s fair to say that just about every Christian has been in a position where all seemed hopeless. Even the strongest believers have their moments of doubt. God gets that. He fully understands our humanity. But guess what? He puts things in our path to remind us what he has done for us in the past. He has written things down in the Scriptures to remind us. We have the testimonies of the heroes of the faith to remind us.
I call these things “stones of remembrance”, a phrase I developed from my study in Josh. 4. In today’s text we will see the literal stones of remembrance that inspired the phrase. The thing is this: today’s text is not just a story written down to fill up space. The story is meant to remind us of who God is and what he does. It is meant to inspire us AND to remind us to be strong and courageous.