Mask mandate and corovirus

OMG! It’s the Omicron Variant!

As a general rule, I don't like to mix politics with matters of faith. But when politics affect matters of faith directly, that's a different question. Such is the case with COVID and the new omicron variant. I recently heard from friends lamenting the fact that their church had returned…

God’s Take on Pro-Choice – Lk. 10:1-24

When the modern world speaks of being pro-choice, it is often a reference to the choice to murder babies in the womb. To me, that's even more sick and depraved than the colonial-era choice to own slaves. Be that as it may, God has an entirely different take on being…

Knowing Your Place in the Kingdom – Lk. 9:46-62

So we've been talking a lot about faith and belief in recent weeks. My hope is that those of us who have been going through this book together now have a firm grasp of what they both are, what they have in common, and how they differ. Today, our text…

Christianity: Much Deeper Than Mere Blessing – Lk. 9:23-45

Have you ever seen a live theater or film version of "Annie"? If so, you know it's a classic rags-to-riches story of a little orphan girl who is taken in by a millionaire war tycoon with no kids of his own. Annie goes from what she and her orphan friends…

Putting Belief Into Practice – Lk. 9:1-22

In a few of our previous studies here in Luke, we have discussed the differences between belief and faith. For instance, belief is an act of the mind where faith is an act of the will. Belief is a decision where faith is an action. Last time, as we closed…

Desperation, Belief, and Faith – Lk. 8:41-56

Today we get to discuss one of my favorite stories in the New Testament. It's actually two stories in one, involving a man named Jairus and an unnamed woman suffering from some sort of blood-related disease. I love this story for two reasons. First it contrasts the different attitudes people…

Fear and Faith Can’t Play Together – Lk. 8:19-40

A couple of month into the coronavirus crisis I recorded a video blog in which I posed the question, "How long are we going to live in fear?" The video was partially motivated by seeing so many churches close down in fear of the virus and government dictates. Even today,…

Free Study Guide – The Man That God Designed

DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE Being a Godly man is not easy in our woke world. In fact, the world constantly works against men of faith to get them to abandon Godly principles in favor of a post-modern worldview. Don't fall for it. God knows full well what he wants…

Is Your Ground Good Ground? – Lk. 8:1-18

Imagine being part of the westward expansion in the 1800s. You and your family might join up with a wagon train heading for the Plain States. Your plan is to go as far as Missouri or Kansas, where you hope to find a piece of land, build a house, and…

I Can’t Get No…Satisfaction – Lk. 7:31-50

The Rolling Stones are easily one of the most recognized rock bands in history. Among all their hits, none is more widely known than '(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction'. Just the hook line itself has become part of American pop culture to the extent that it is known and understood…