The Heart Is a Treasure Chest Pt. 2 – Lk. 12:22-40

As we opened chapter 12 last week, we saw Jesus challenging his disciples to examine their own hearts. He warned them of hypocrisy. He advised them to be careful about their words and deeds and assured them that God would never forget them. The point of his sermon was to get them thinking about the eternal consequences of their earthly words and actions.
Then, in the middle of all of this, a local interrupts Jesus and asks him to settle a monetary dispute between him and his brother. The man wants Jesus to instruct the brother to share his inheritance 50-50. This motivates Jesus to begin talking about the treasures of the heart.
We discussed last week how the heart is a treasure chest of sorts. In each of our hearts, we hold what is near and dear to us. Whatever that might be ends up being manifested in our words and actions. But guess what? We all have control over the treasure we keep. We all have the ability to discard unholy treasures and replace them with holy treasures. That’s where today’s study will go.