Big Dreams & Many Words – Eccl. 5:1-7
We love to talk about things in 2020, don’t we? At work, we have endless meetings to discus the same topics over and over. Decisions are slow to be made because we just need one more meeting. In our homes, husbands and wives talk about things but never reach solid conclusions. Things don’t get done.
With all of the endless talking come plenty of dreams and promises. We propose grand ideas that never come to fruition. We make promises we fail to keep. What are we left with? Meaningless conversations that did little but waste our time when we had them.
Solomon touches on this very topic as he begins dispensing advice in chpt. 5. Remember that chpts. 1-4 consisted of Solomon recounting his foolish pursuit of knowledge through sin, a pursuit that left him an old and foolish king who concluded that he wasted much of his life. He warns us to not make the same mistakes. His warning begins with a discussion on showing God proper respect by being careful with our words.