You Can Be Like David, Too – I Chron. 29

We have finally reached the end of I Chron. after 16 weeks of study. Though this might sound odd to you, I think that as far as the literary construction of individual Bible books are concerned, there is only one other book with an ending more apropos that this one: Revelation. Both books have perfect endings. In my opinion, there isn’t a better way to end either one. Of course, I’m speaking strictly in a sense of human appreciation of literature. God’s Word is perfect in every jot and tittle – so of course, each book ends exactly as it should.

In the case of I Chron., the text concludes with David pouring out his heart to God after challenging the congregation to get on board with the building project. What strikes me most here is that what David says perfectly illustrates why God called him “a man after my own heart.” You and I can learn from David’s words. Best of all, we can be like David. We can be men and women after God’s own heart by making the conscious decision to adopt the same mindset and then follow through in the way we live our lives.



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Posted on: August 13, 2023