Betrayal or Loyalty: Your Choice – Jn. 13:18-38

In Star Wars Episode 1, the dimwitted and clumsy Jar Jar Binks is saved from certain death by Mater Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn. The tradition of his culture dictates that he now owes Qui-Gon a life debt. Jar Jar pledges loyalty to him forever. It’s a theme found in plenty of stories we have heard since childhood. “You saved my life. I will be your servant in return.” We all know the drill.

In today’s text, we’ll look at a real-life example of something similar. It involves Jesus, Judas, John, and Peter. One will betray Jesus while the other two demonstrate their loyalty. The question before us as we study is this: when push comes to shove and the pressure is on, will we choose betrayal or loyalty? God values and honors loyalty. As for betrayal, not so much.


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Posted on: March 17, 2024