A Blessing and a Curse – Deut. Chpt. 28

If the book of Deuteronomy has a focal point, or a bottom line if you will, it would be chapter 28. What Moses says in this part of his final sermon is what Israel's entire future depends on. And when I say that, I am referring to national Israel –…

Take a Stand, Be Accountable – Deut. Chpt. 27

Deuteronomy began with Moses telling 2nd generation Israel how they got to the point of being ready to cross the Jordan river to possess the promised land. That was the first five chapters. Beginning in chapter 6, Moses goes through the law with them, point-by-point, but in a Reader's Digest…

Remembrance: It’s Our Testimony – Deut. Chpt. 26

Every year there is a remembrance ceremony held at Pearl Harbor. Likewise at Normandy to commemorate D-Day. We hold annual ceremonies at Ground Zero in NY to remember the events of 9/11. These are all good things. They remind us of the past and act as a warning to avoid…

A Civil Society Part 5 – Deut. Chpt. 25

Today's text brings us to the end of Moses rapid-fire civil laws. And in fact, the last part of the chapter is completely divorced from the rest of the civil laws. We have seen some interesting this along the way; things seem foreign to us because of our cultural disconnect.…

A Civil Society Part 4 – Deut. Chpt. 24

We continue today with part 4 of a 6-part study on the rules of civil society. Covered topics in chapter 24 include divorce, the first year of marriage, taking pledges from the poor, how Israelites were to treat their hired servants, and caring for the poor by leaving them food…

A Civil Society Part 3 – Deut. Chpt. 23

This morning's study is part 3 of a 6-part study on the rules of civil society. Today we'll see a few rules that overlap between civil order and religious practice. They are a good reminder to us that all rule and order flow from God himself. When thought of in…

A Great Future: 2025 and Beyond

As we prepare to turn the page to 2025, I'm guessing most of us have spent at least some time reflecting on the past year. A lot has happened over the last 12 months, both personally and corporately. Some of it has been good; some of it has been bad.…

5 Reasons for Christmas Joy

  I rarely do topical sermons for the simple fact that Isaiah 28 is very clear about studying Scripture line-by-line and verse-by-verse. But today is an exception. My heart is to bring you a special message for Christmas. But I don't want to recycle the same Christmas texts and sermons…

A Civil Society Part 2 – Deut. Chpt. 22

This morning's study is part 2 of a 6-part study on the rules of civil society. We're going to see some interesting things in the text, just like last week. As I was studying this chapter, something occurred to me: the fact that God wrote these rules down in his…

A Civil Society Part 1 – Deut. Chpt. 21

As we turn the page to chapter 21, we reach that portion of Deuteronomy dealing with the rules of a civil society. These rules – and there are a lot of them – were meant to maintain order. They were and are necessary because people are naturally evil. We need…