Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 14 – Fellowship & Personal Impact

Now that we've reached the end of our study on discipleship, we need to know what to do with what we've learned. Lesson 13 taught us that being a disciple glorifies God and provides stability in our lives. But how does that translate into our relationships with others? It's an…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 13 – Being Disciples

As we close in on the end of this study (there's only one more lesson to go) there is a broader application to be made of all the principles we have learned thus far. That broader application is actually found in the title of this 14-week study: 'Discipleship'. The whole…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 12 – Prayer

The daily practice of our faith is rooted in three principle activities: study of the Word, praise & worship, and prayer. Though we may not study or engage in praise & worship as often as we should, most of us understand the basic intent and working of these two activities.…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 11 – Eternal Security

The fear of losing God's gift of salvation is paralyzing to so many Christian believers. It need not be. Scripture is very clear about the eternal fate and position of God's children. This lesson lays it all out in a logical, easy-to-understand way that doesn't seek to turn something that…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 10 – The Spirit Filled Life, pt. 2

Exercising one's spiritual gifts is the starting point for living a Spirit-filled life.And yet, how do we actually do it? How do we go about getting filled, and how can we know that the filling has actually occurred? Part 2 of this lesson explains it all. You will learn about…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 9 – The Spirit Filled Life, pt. 1

We previously learned about the Holy Spirit in terms of who he his and what he does. Over the course of the next two lessons, we will talk about Him being personally active in our lives. The next two lessons are about living a Spirit-filled life. The first thing to…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 8 – Our Three Enemies

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 8 - Our Three Enemies Satan is very real and very troublesome to us Christian believers. But he is not our only enemy. In fact, he is not even the biggest threat we face. We have two other enemies that give us…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 7 — The Holy Spirit & The Trinity

The Holy Spirit is often the forgotten member of the Trinity. He is also the most misunderstood. Some segments of the Church ignore Him out of fear or ignorance. Others over emphasize Him and His ministry, turning what should be a normal and circumspect faith into an emotion-driven experience. Both…

Discipleship 6

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 6 -- God the Son The deity of Jesus Christ is a core component of the Christian faith. It is only because Jesus is simultaneously God and man that he can save us. If he were just a man, his death on…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 5 – God the Father

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 5 - God the Father Now that we know the 'what', 'how', and 'why' of Christianity, it's time to dig deeper and start looking at some of the details of our faith that are so often overlooked. We begin with Lesson 5,…