Cultural Relevance in Christianity Is a Trap – Here’s Why

Every time we present a Bible study here at Disruptive Reality, we seek to come away with a relevant lesson. In other words, how can we apply what the Bible is talking about to daily life? What we don't do here at DR his attempt to inject cultural relevance into…

What Would Make You Happy as a Church Goer?

Churn. It's something that businesses talk about all the time in terms of employee turnover. Guess what? Churn is a reality for the Church as well. So much so that the number of Americans who now say they are religiously unaffiliated is up to 26%. That's up five percentage points…

Is God Not Answering, or Am I Just Not Seeing It?

There is an old joke about a man sitting on his roof during a flood. He prays and asks the LORD to save him. As the rain continues falling and the water rises, he is offered rescue by way of a rowboat, life raft, and helicopter. He turns down all…

COVID-19: A Lesson in Why the Truth Should Matter to Christians

Here at Disruptive Reality, our last three Bible study videos have focused on a key principle found in John chapter 8: being made free by the truth. The truth is incredibly important to me. It is critical to my existence. Therefore, it's difficult for me to understand why so many…

When God Opens a Door, Walk Through It

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, "when God closes a door look for a window," I would be rich. The problem with such thinking is this: entering through a window is considered burglary. So I say that when God closes a door, wait for…

Disruptive Reality Ministry Updates

Here at Disruptive Reality, we continue striving to present the truth to God's people through Bible studies, devotionals, FREE downloadable study guides, and more. But as you might expect, things never stay the same forever. That brings us to the point of this post: two new changes we want you…

The Asbury Revival’s Most Important Lesson: Here It Is

Something is happening in tiny Wilmore, KY. Some are calling it the Asbury Revival. Others are referring to it as a 'non-stop church service'. Still others are simply calling it an amazing experience. Whatever it is, there is a lesson to be learned here. It is a lesson for an…

Is Christian Patriotism Scripturally Justifiable?

NOTE: This piece was originally written some 13 years ago during the Obama administration. At the time, I was pastoring a small church in upstate NY. This particular topic was a hot one throughout Christianity and I was asked by several of our church members to address it. Despite being…
Mask mandate and corovirus

OMG! It’s the Omicron Variant!

As a general rule, I don't like to mix politics with matters of faith. But when politics affect matters of faith directly, that's a different question. Such is the case with COVID and the new omicron variant. I recently heard from friends lamenting the fact that their church had returned…