Category: Study Guides
Free Study Guide — Miracles II: More of the Signature of God
DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE Miracles are sometimes referred to as ‘signs and wonders’ in Scripture. They represent God doing things in such a way as to prove that He alone did them. They leave no room for human explanation — scientific or otherwise. God’s miracles also represent opportunities for…
Free Study Guide — Miracles: The Signature of God
DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE Miracles are sometimes referred to as 'signs and wonders' in Scripture. They represent God doing things in such a way as to prove that He alone did them. They leave no room for human explanation -- scientific or otherwise. God's miracles also represent opportunities for…
Free Study Guide – The Man That God Designed
DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE Being a Godly man is not easy in our woke world. In fact, the world constantly works against men of faith to get them to abandon Godly principles in favor of a post-modern worldview. Don't fall for it. God knows full well what he wants…
Free Study Guide – The Fruit of the Spirit
DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE The fruit of the Spirit is a big part of living a life pleasing to God. Unfortunately, the doctrine behind it has been misused and abused over the years. Too many people now view the Fruit of the Spirit as something mystical -- almost magical…
Free Discipleship Study Guide
DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE HERE YOU'LL FIND THE COMPANION VIDEO SERIES HERE Jesus commanded his disciples to go make more disciples. In other words, they weren't merely to preach the gospel, lead people to Christ, and then forget about them. They were supposed to train those who accepted Jesus to…