God is Worth Pleasing – Deut. Chpt. 10

As a husband who knows I am to lay down my life for my wife, I can approach how I treat her from one of two angles. I could do what I do to keep her off my back OR I could do what I do in order to please…

Mercy on a Stiffnecked People – Deut. Chpt. 9

The old testament can be difficult to read given that there sees to be so many stories we would consider negative. The story in today's text is no exception. Despite the negatives – which are tied mostly to Israel's behavior – there is an underlying positive as well: God's grace.…

I Have Humbled You – Deut. Chpt. 8

When someone mentions humility, what immediately comes to mind? Humility isn't a favorable characteristic in modern culture. In fact, the culture openly rewards pride and arrogance while casting the humble to the curb. God is different. Humility is valuable to God. He wants to see humility in the hearts of…

A Tug of War in Canaan – Deut. Chpt. 7

Have you ever participated in a tug-of-war contest? I'm sure you have; you know the drill. The physical tug-of-war provides a great illustration of one of the most fundamental spiritual truths: the enemies of God are constantly pulling at the hearts of men and women to keep them from him.…

Captivated by God’s Words – Deut. Chpt. 6

We left off last week talking about the failure of the old covenant: God's people didn't have the heart to keep his laws, statutes, & judgments consistently. We also learned that the new covenant changed everything. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, those of us who…