Tag: courage
Joshua’s Final Charge – Josh. Chpt. 24
As we discussed last week, chapter 23 shows that Joshua is nearing the end. He has fulfilled his mission; he has completed the task God had given him. He will die shortly, leaving the tribes to carry on. Now, remember that God did not raise up a replacement for Joshua.…
It’s Your Future to Make – Josh. Chpt. 23
At the end of the third film in the 'Back to the Future' franchise, two of the main characters – Marty and Jennifer – seem confused about their future together. Doc has to remind them that the future is not set in stone. He reminds them that the future hasn't…
Everyone Has a Place – Josh. 21+22
The division of the land among the tribes demonstrates that God had given each of them a physical place to call their own. But in addition to the land, each tribe, family, and individual had a role to play. Each one had a job to do. The Israel of Joshua's…
The Paralysis of Inaction – Josh. 18-20
Have you ever felt like your life has stalled? You know something needs to be done but you don't know what to do. Or maybe you know what to do but you don't know how to do it. Rather than getting up and doing something, you sit and wait, in…
Act Like a Child of God – Josh. 16+17
Last week we spent most of our time discussing Caleb and his willingness to take responsibility for himself and his family. At 85 years old, he went and fought for the land he had been given. He drove out the inhabitants, blessed his daughter and son-in-law, and then rested. He…
Finishing What He Started – Josh. 10:28-11:23
The Christian walk, if we're doing it right, is not easy. Standing for the faith; being a disciple of Christ; obeying the Word – all of these things require discipline. They require hard work and effort. As such, we always run the risk of starting out strong but then petering…
The Battle of Ai: Take 2 – Josh. Chpt. 8
Would you agree that our God is a God of 2nd chances? I would say 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances, too. We sin, We make stupid decisions and do stupid things. But the point of redemption is that we not live in those things. God gives us repeat opportunities to…
A Curse on the Camp – Josh. Chpt. 7
So last week we briefly talked about how we Christians sometimes take the curses of the world on ourselves by doing what the world does. It was in the context of God telling Israel to not take anything from Jericho when the city fell. They were to take only the…
Gathering Stones of Remembrance – Josh. Chpt. 4
It's fair to say that just about every Christian has been in a position where all seemed hopeless. Even the strongest believers have their moments of doubt. God gets that. He fully understands our humanity. But guess what? He puts things in our path to remind us what he has…
God’s Reputation Precedes Him – Josh. Chpt 2
Have you heard the phrase, "your reputation precedes you"? We use it to denote the fact that we are familiar with a person's reputation long before meeting him or her. Well, it turns out that God's reputation precedes him more often than not. The whole world knows of him, despite…