The Prophesies Fulfilled – Jn. 19:23-42

As Christians, how do we know that what we believe is the truth? We know because of what the Bible says. Of course, critics claim that the Bible was written by men and is no more reliable than any other religious book. We know better. The Old Testament contains hundreds…

Pilate the Politician – Jn. 19:1-22

There was a time when I admired politicians. I was a young adult when Ronald Reagan was first elected. In fact, he was the first president I voted for. Back then, I considered 'good' politicians honorable people who were honestly trying to do the right thing. My views have changed…

A Prayer for the Gang (Part 2) – Jn. 17:13-26

Last week we started looking at the prayer Jesus prayed just before he and the disciples crossed Kidron and entered the garden of Gethsemane. Prior to the prayer, he had spent time teaching them some final lessons in preparation for his impending departure. In light of that, I believe this…

A Prayer for the Gang (Part 1) – Jn. 17:1-12

Prayer is an interesting thing. There are different ways to pray, too. You have those emergency prayers: you're in a bind and you don't have time to think. You just need help. You have those casual prayers: praying for a meal or saying a quick word in the car before…

The Beginning of the End – Lk. 23:44-56

We have an idiom in English the talks about the beginning of the end. When we use the phrase 'this is the beginning of the end', it's almost always in a negative sense. A TV detective might say to the criminal he's been chasing, "this is the beginning of the…

The Illogical Crucifixion – Lk. 23:27-43

Observation of the natural world reveals lots of things that don't seem to make logical sense to our brains. For example, water expands when it both freezes and evaporates. No other liquid behaves that way. Likewise, the intangible force of gravity keeps our feet glued to the earth despite the…

This Is the Way – Lk. 18:31-43

If there are any Star Wars fans out there, perhaps you have seen The Mandalorian series. The main character – the Mandalorian himself – was not born on Mandalore. He has no Mandalorian blood in his body. As a kid, he was saved by Mandalorians when his parents were killed.…