Peace and Good Will In Jesus – Luke 2:1-20

We like to think of the Christmas season as a time of peace among men. We hear messages to that effect every year at this time. Interestingly, since I was a kid, I have enjoyed going out for a walk in the neighborhood on Christmas eve. Everything is so peaceful…

The Heart Is a Treasure Chest Pt. 1 – Lk. 12:1-21

The Bible frequently mentions treasure in both the OT and NT. In each case, treasure has great value. It is desired; in some cases it is coveted. In the NT specifically, we are introduced to spiritual treasure. We are told to lay up that treasure in heaven. We are going…

New Is Not Better With God – Lk. 11:29-54

Would you agree that the human attention span is rather short? Would you agree that humanity, as a whole, is always looking for something new, something fresh? We don't like the old so much. We don't like the traditional. While that's not necessarily bad when it comes to things like…

Whose Will Are We Really Seeking? – Lk. 11:1-28

It's easy for us Christian believers to say we want God's will for our lives. It's easy to say that we want his will for the world. But what we say is often at odds with what we do. Whose will are we really seeking most of the time? The…

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – Lk. 10:25-42

Do you remember the PBS kid's show 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood'? It featured the amicable Fred Rogers teaching kids all about the realities of life in a way they could understand. In the show's opening song, Rogers asked his viewers, "Won't you be my neighbor?" From a Biblical standpoint, we know…

God’s Take on Pro-Choice – Lk. 10:1-24

When the modern world speaks of being pro-choice, it is often a reference to the choice to murder babies in the womb. To me, that's even more sick and depraved than the colonial-era choice to own slaves. Be that as it may, God has an entirely different take on being…

Knowing Your Place in the Kingdom – Lk. 9:46-62

So we've been talking a lot about faith and belief in recent weeks. My hope is that those of us who have been going through this book together now have a firm grasp of what they both are, what they have in common, and how they differ. Today, our text…

Christianity: Much Deeper Than Mere Blessing – Lk. 9:23-45

Have you ever seen a live theater or film version of "Annie"? If so, you know it's a classic rags-to-riches story of a little orphan girl who is taken in by a millionaire war tycoon with no kids of his own. Annie goes from what she and her orphan friends…

Putting Belief Into Practice – Lk. 9:1-22

In a few of our previous studies here in Luke, we have discussed the differences between belief and faith. For instance, belief is an act of the mind where faith is an act of the will. Belief is a decision where faith is an action. Last time, as we closed…

Desperation, Belief, and Faith – Lk. 8:41-56

Today we get to discuss one of my favorite stories in the New Testament. It's actually two stories in one, involving a man named Jairus and an unnamed woman suffering from some sort of blood-related disease. I love this story for two reasons. First it contrasts the different attitudes people…