Idolaters, Shady Characters, and Kings – Deut. Chpt. 17

In today's text, we are going to see three kinds of people: idolaters, shady characters, and kings. All three have the capability of causing problems for Israel. Knowing what we know about human nature, we understand that such people will be found in Israel AND that they will be problematic.…

Stay In God’s Lane – Deut. Chpt. 13

We have a saying in modern English that says, 'stay in your lane'. We use it as a way of telling people to either mind their own business or not get involved in something they know nothing about. Example: if you are telling me how to cook when you can't…

A Tug of War in Canaan – Deut. Chpt. 7

Have you ever participated in a tug-of-war contest? I'm sure you have; you know the drill. The physical tug-of-war provides a great illustration of one of the most fundamental spiritual truths: the enemies of God are constantly pulling at the hearts of men and women to keep them from him.…

We Are Fighting the Wrong Battle – A Star Wars Message

Our God works in strange and wonderful ways. Way back when, he spoke to a prophet named Balaam by making the poor man's donkey run him into a wall. When Balaam smacked the animal in retaliation, God gave the donkey voice and it spoke to Balaam. Imagine that. Why bring…