Come and See! – John 1:35-51

Last week we took a look at part of John the Baptist's testimony regarding Jesus. We focused mainly on the men sent by the Pharisees to question John about his identity and mission. Our main lesson from last week was to not argue Scripture with the lost. Instead, we should…

Pointing Them to Jesus – John 1:19-34

It's not unusual for Christians to struggle in their efforts to defend the faith against non-believers. We try to reason with them only to be left frustrated because they don't get it. But guess what? They can't get it. It's impossible for their hearts and minds to understand spiritual truth.…

Stepping Aside for Jesus – Lk. 3:15-38

The main subject of Luke's gospel is Jesus. In fact, Jesus is the central figure throughout all of Scripture. So, for Luke to transition to Jesus' ministry, he has to put John to bed, so to speak. Guess what? So does God the Father. John was the forerunner of Messiah.…

John’s Message of Repentance – Lk. 3:1-14

Humanity has a fatal flaw when it comes to the heart. Aside from the physical muscle, we improperly conflate the heart with the emotions. I say 'improperly' because, when the KJV and older Bibles refer to the emotions, they use the word 'bowels'. 'Heart' means something entirely different. The heart…

He Did It His Way – Lk. 1:46-80

Frank Sinatra recorded a song in 1968 entitled "My Way". You might be familiar with it. "My Way" is considered Sinatra's biggest hit and signature song by music historians. But it turns out that Sinatra hated the song. He considered it self-serving and self-indulgent. His sentiments are easy to understand…

Pastors and Pedestals — They Don’t Play Together Very Well

Oh, to be a pastor. It is an honorable calling that carries a tremendous burden of responsibility with it. These days, we seem to interact with our pastors in one of two ways. We either treat them like yesterday's trash or we put them on pedestals so high they need…