Tag: Luke
5 Reasons for Christmas Joy
I rarely do topical sermons for the simple fact that Isaiah 28 is very clear about studying Scripture line-by-line and verse-by-verse. But today is an exception. My heart is to bring you a special message for Christmas. But I don't want to recycle the same Christmas texts and sermons…
As Real As It Gets – Lk. 24:36-53
We have finally reached what is the end of Luke's gospel BUT NOT the end of the story. As we'll see in today's text, the majority of the remaining apostles and disciples struggled to to wrap their brains around the idea of a resurrected Jesus. They could not believe that…
Then Came Sunday – Lk. 24:1-35
Last week's Bible study ended with a discussion of Joseph putting Jesus' body into his own grave while some of the women watched at a distance. Those women clearly made plans to come back on Sunday morning to properly anoint the body for burial. That they did. However, what they…
For Whom the Cock Crows – Lk. 22:54-71
Seventeenth century poet John Donne wrote a series of prayers and meditations while recovering from a near fatal illness. They were mostly reflections of a near death experience and what it had taught him about the meaning of life. One of the most famous quotes from this collection states, "And…
God’s Will Be Done – Lk. 22:39-53
Every good Christian knows that it's right to want God's will to be done. Sometimes we even make a point of saying as much when we pray. But it's easy to talk about God's will glibly. It's another thing to generally desire his will be done in the mist of…
The Final Instructions – Lk. 22:1-38
We have finally reached that point of culmination. All that Jesus has planned and prepared for is about to unfold. We pick up the story on Wed., as Jesus prepares to celebrate the final Passover with his disciples. Only this time, it's special. A day later he will become the…
When the Building Doesn’t Matter – Lk. chpt. 21
Imagine walking with Jesus as one of his disciples, traveling from city to city as he preaches the gospel. Hundreds – if not thousands – come out to see him at every stop. They are looking for miracles; they are looking for free food; they might even be looking for…
Christians, Gov’t., & the Law – Lk. 20:27-47
As we wind down to the end of Jesus' earthly ministry, we see the government taking on an increasingly larger role in facilitating his demise. We see government leaders within Judaism going after Jesus for upsetting their religious apple cart. They will eventually get the Roman government involved as well.…
God Will Not Be Boxed – Lk. 20:1-26
You have undoubtedly heard the phrase 'you can't put God in a box'. We say that to mean that God can do anything he wants to do. He isn't constrained by human thought or man-made rules. In this study, I want to take the idea a little bit further. I…
Here Comes the King – Lk. 19:28-48
I remember back when George W. Bush first ran for the presidency. During the primary campaign, he stopped in my town for a brief visit and speech. It was at the airport. I went out to see him, and it was a madhouse. I had literally never seen so many…