A Prayer for the Gang (Part 2) – Jn. 17:13-26

Last week we started looking at the prayer Jesus prayed just before he and the disciples crossed Kidron and entered the garden of Gethsemane. Prior to the prayer, he had spent time teaching them some final lessons in preparation for his impending departure. In light of that, I believe this…

A Prayer for the Gang (Part 1) – Jn. 17:1-12

Prayer is an interesting thing. There are different ways to pray, too. You have those emergency prayers: you're in a bind and you don't have time to think. You just need help. You have those casual prayers: praying for a meal or saying a quick word in the car before…

Is God Not Answering, or Am I Just Not Seeing It?

There is an old joke about a man sitting on his roof during a flood. He prays and asks the LORD to save him. As the rain continues falling and the water rises, he is offered rescue by way of a rowboat, life raft, and helicopter. He turns down all…

The Asbury Revival’s Most Important Lesson: Here It Is

Something is happening in tiny Wilmore, KY. Some are calling it the Asbury Revival. Others are referring to it as a 'non-stop church service'. Still others are simply calling it an amazing experience. Whatever it is, there is a lesson to be learned here. It is a lesson for an…

God Is No Slacker – Lk. 18:1-30

In the 1st Back to the Future film, the principle at Marty's school, Mr. Strickland, had a habit of calling students he wasn't fond of slackers. He called Marty a slacker for being routinely late for school. I was thinking about that while I was studying for today's lesson and…

Discipleship: Foundations of the Word of God Lesson 12 – Prayer

The daily practice of our faith is rooted in three principle activities: study of the Word, praise & worship, and prayer. Though we may not study or engage in praise & worship as often as we should, most of us understand the basic intent and working of these two activities.…

Does God Only Meet with Groups of Two or Three?

My wife and I were recently gathered with a group of fellow believers. As is often the case, we prayed together. No one was surprised when one of the participants invoked the 'rule' of God meeting with Christians whenever two or more of them are in the same place. Nonetheless,…