Tag: Resurrection
Another Chance to Believe – John Chpt. 20
In the 2004 film 'The Polar Express', the main character is on a train headed for the North Pole. He and all his traveling companions are kids who are beginning to doubt the existence of Santa Clause. The train ride represents an opportunity to see for themselves. One of the…
A Case For the Resurrection – I Cor. 15:12-58
Have you ever wondered why Jesus' resurrection was made part of the salvation plan? We understand the why behind the crucifixion and the shedding of blood. Both were necessary as payment sin. But why did God chose to resurrect Jesus' physical body? Surely Jesus could have returned to heaven in…
Lazarus, Come Forth! – John 11:1-46
By the time we reach chapter 11, Jesus is likely within the final few months of his life on earth. He wants to reach as many people as possible because the time is short. As a result, he is upping his game as it were. In today's text we will…
The Power to Rise Again – Jn. 10:14-28
Throughout human history, people have attempted to mold God into an image that suits them. We humans want God to change with us. We want him to realign his principles and character with our cultural norms. So much so that when the culture comes face-to-face with Biblical doctrine that contradicts…
As Real As It Gets – Lk. 24:36-53
We have finally reached what is the end of Luke's gospel BUT NOT the end of the story. As we'll see in today's text, the majority of the remaining apostles and disciples struggled to to wrap their brains around the idea of a resurrected Jesus. They could not believe that…
Then Came Sunday – Lk. 24:1-35
Last week's Bible study ended with a discussion of Joseph putting Jesus' body into his own grave while some of the women watched at a distance. Those women clearly made plans to come back on Sunday morning to properly anoint the body for burial. That they did. However, what they…
5 Reasons to STOP Ignoring Jesus’ Resurrection
5 Reasons to STOP Ignoring Jesus' Resurrection Normally we do line-by-line study here at DR. But every now and again, the need for a topical Bible study arises. Today represents one of those occasions. Being Resurrection Sunday, we are going to look at a topic that we Christians can sometimes…