You Can Be Like David, Too – I Chron. 29

We have finally reached the end of I Chron. after 16 weeks of study. Though this might sound odd to you, I think that as far as the literary construction of individual Bible books are concerned, there is only one other book with an ending more apropos that this one:…

David Charges His Son – I Chron. 28

As I look out over the American landscape, I see plenty to be distressed over. Among the many things that bother me is the fact that there seem to be so few real men anymore. American men have been emasculated. Men have been weakened by a culture that expects them…

Setting Things in Order Pt. 2 – I Chron. 26-27

Last week we began our study in chpts. 23-25 discussing the fact that God is a God of order. We discussed I Cor. 14:33, which tells us that "God is not the author of confusion," and I Cor. 14:40, which reminds us to do all things "decently and in order."…

Setting Things in Order Pt. 1 – I Chron. 23-25

Have you heard people say that God is a God of order? It's true. In speaking about how the gifts of the Spirit are manifest, I Cor. 14:33 tells us that "God is not the author of confusion." I Cor. 14:40 goes on to remind us to do all things…

Whom God Calls, He Also Equips – I Chron. 22

Most people are very good at worrying. We Christians worry too, even though we have no legitimate reason to do so. God has never let us down. He never will. And when it comes to serving him, the LORD never leaves us lacking. Those whom he calls, he also equips.…

The Moral of the Story – Eccl. Chpt. 12

Every good story has lessons to teach. Even stories written purely for entertainment still offer lessons – sometimes obvious, other times hidden. Yet they are there to be learned. That's why we have that common English idiom that speaks about the proverbial 'moral of the story.' Such is the case…

Paralyzed By Possibilities – Eccl. Chpt. 11

We have reached a point in Ecclesiastes where Solomon is trying to make sense of what he has learned, for the benefit of the reader. He is trying to summarize and offer a 'moral to the story' as it were. We saw the beginnings of that in chpt. 9, as…

Fools Ruin Everything – Eccl. Chpt. 10

  Scripture says that, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." ( Prov. 22:15). I suspect that a lot of parents haven't utilized the rod of correction over the last several generations because I see fools everywhere.…

Just Passing Through – Eccl. Chpt. 9

There is an old hymn that says, "This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue." Its main thrust is that of not getting too attached to this world because life here is not permanent. It is only temporary. The…

Life in an Evil World – Eccl. 8

  The world can seem like a pretty depraved place at times. In fact, some days it seems like there is no end to the evil. But how do we react to that? How do we Christians live in a world that is so evil and corrupt? We constantly have…