Tag: temple
David Charges His Son – I Chron. 28
As I look out over the American landscape, I see plenty to be distressed over. Among the many things that bother me is the fact that there seem to be so few real men anymore. American men have been emasculated. Men have been weakened by a culture that expects them…
Setting Things in Order Pt. 2 – I Chron. 26-27
Last week we began our study in chpts. 23-25 discussing the fact that God is a God of order. We discussed I Cor. 14:33, which tells us that "God is not the author of confusion," and I Cor. 14:40, which reminds us to do all things "decently and in order."…
Setting Things in Order Pt. 1 – I Chron. 23-25
Have you heard people say that God is a God of order? It's true. In speaking about how the gifts of the Spirit are manifest, I Cor. 14:33 tells us that "God is not the author of confusion." I Cor. 14:40 goes on to remind us to do all things…
Whom God Calls, He Also Equips – I Chron. 22
Most people are very good at worrying. We Christians worry too, even though we have no legitimate reason to do so. God has never let us down. He never will. And when it comes to serving him, the LORD never leaves us lacking. Those whom he calls, he also equips.…
When the LORD Builds a House – I Chron. 17
We often talk about Christianity as a relationship rather than a religion. I get the sentiment, but I'm more of the mind that Christianity is a way of life governed by a relationship with the Living God. The interesting thing about that relationship is that it evolves as it matures.…
The Blessing of Holy Submission – Hag. 2:10-23
We human beings know innately that submission to God results in his blessing being poured out on us. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we know it's true in the depths of our souls. We even practice the principle ourselves. We reward our children for obedience. Employers reward workers would…
Remember the Former Glory – Hag. 2:1-9
As we discussed last week in the introduction to Haggai, the book contains 4 separate and distinct prophecies. They seem to have a common theme: to encourage the Israelites who returned to Judah after the captivity of God's faithfulness. Why would that be necessary? Because these people and their parents/grandparents…
Poverty Sent From Heaven? – Haggai Chpt. 1
Today we begin a brief study in the book of Haggai. I say 'brief' because we only have two chapters here, for a total of just 38 verses. Despite it's short length, the book contains 4 separate and distinct prophecies. The first prophecy takes up the entire first chapter. The…
When the Building Doesn’t Matter – Lk. chpt. 21
Imagine walking with Jesus as one of his disciples, traveling from city to city as he preaches the gospel. Hundreds – if not thousands – come out to see him at every stop. They are looking for miracles; they are looking for free food; they might even be looking for…