Tag: Titus
Maintain Good Works – Titus Chpt. 3
Good works. As a Christian, how do you feel about them? Good works are unnecessarily controversial in the modern Church. They tend to be polarizing, too. One the one hand are those who avoid any mention of good works under the false impression that they don't matter. On the other…
What Grace Teaches Us – Titus 2:11-15
If you were asked to define grace, what would be your definition? We Christians tend to describe grace as 'God's unmerited favor'. That it is. But it's more than that. Today's text will demonstrate that grace is a teacher; that grace places certain demands on those who receive it. Grace…
Sound Doctrine Begets Solid Faith – Titus 2:1-10
We all go see the doctor from time to time. Likewise, we all expect our doctors to know what they are doing. We expect the surgeon to know how to operate safely and effectively. We expect the oncologist to recommend appropriate cancer treatments. Regardless of the illness or injury, regardless…
Unruly and Vain Talkers – Titus 1:10-16
How many of us would be up in arms if our local pastors invited a drag queen in to do a presentation about how wonderful the gender fluidity perversion is. I trust all of us would be fit to be tied; that we would do everything we could to stop…
Introduction to Titus – Titus 1:1-9
This week we begin a study of Paul's letter to Titus. We don't know much about the circumstances surrounding this letter, but it is eerily similar to Paul's first letter to Timothy. Both Timothy and Titus were in similar positions; Timothy is in Ephesus while Titus is in Crete. Both…